Contact support

We're here to help! This page will guide you to the best way to reach us.

Zulip community

The primary communication forum for the Zulip community is the Zulip server hosted at Users and administrators of Zulip organizations stop by to ask questions, offer feedback, and participate in product design discussions.

Everyone is welcome to sign up and participate — we love hearing from our users! Please see the Zulip development community guide for detailed instructions on how to join the community, community norms and where to ask your questions or give feedback.

Support requests

  • For support requests regarding your Zulip Cloud organization, you can request interactive chat support in the Zulip development community, or email Zulip support.

    • Response time: Usually within 1-3 business days, or within one business day for paid customers.
  • For support requests regarding your self-hosted server:

    • Business and Enterprise plan customers can request interactive chat support in the Zulip development community, or email Zulip support. Phone support is available for Enterprise customers upon request.

      • Response time: Usually within one business day.
    • Free and Community plan customers can ask for help in the Zulip development community. You will usually get a friendly reply within 1-3 business days.

Sales, billing, and partnerships

For sales, billing, partnerships, and other commercial questions, contact Response time: Usually within one business day.

Product feedback

  • You can suggest new features, report an issue, or share any other feedback, in the Zulip development community. It's the best place to interactively discuss your problem or proposal.

    • Response time: Usually within 1-3 business days.
  • If you have a concrete bug report, you can create an issue in the appropriate Zulip GitHub repository. Use the server/web app repository if you aren't sure where to start.

    • Response time: Usually within one week.

Your feedback helps us make Zulip better for everyone! Please reach out if you have questions, suggestions, or just want to brainstorm how to make Zulip work for your organization.